Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hollywood Hills resident of Serbian descent sues Beyonce

Belgrade, June, 03. 2010 (Serbia Today) Filip Markovic, Hollywood Hills resident of Serbian descent  has filed a lawsuit against pop singer Beyonce Knowles and her music label for disturbances while shooting her video for Why Don’t You Love Me? The frustrated neighbor has sued Knowles, on the grounds of infringement of privacy and “trespassing” because he was “woken up at 7 in the morning” on 26 March this year when the shooting was going inside a house opposite Markovic’s, He also claimed the video crew’s equipment vehicles were at the time parked “all over the street”, blocking the path for his own car from the garage. Further details Markovic included in his lawsuit state that he had been woken up at 7am by the noise Beyonce’s crew had created in an otherwise peaceful neighbourhood. Markovic also states the security had forbidden him to come out in the street during the shooting of the video. When he initially asked for compensation for the trespassing incident, Markovic recently received a reply he would not be reimbursed due to a low-budget status of the video production. He is now seeking justice through court and is demanding $25,000 for damages.

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